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Lego Robots

The Lizroid

About the Bot

In this project, I programmed a LEGO robot using the LEGO Mindstorms program.  The prompt I was given was to first create a creature of some sort using Legos, then to program the Lego robot to move a brick of "toxic waste" and go hide behind the "creature". 

My Creature

The Program

The programming sequence begins at the play button on the left. To the right of the play button, each block above represents an action that the robot is instructed to do. In block #1, the robot is instructed to move forward at a speed of 30. Block #2 engages the gyro sensor which tells it to stop when it is less than 5 cm away from an object. At this point in the program, the robot will stop in front of the block of "toxic waste". The fourth block from the start indicates arm to move down .4 rotations at a speed of 10. The next two blocks make the robot turn and move forward. On the next row, the first three blocks indicate for the robot to lift its arm, back away and move forward until it is less than 15 cm away from the creature. The next two rows indicate a series of 4 turns with some straight stretches to move the robot around the creature stopping the robot behind it.

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